Biofeedback EMG machines

Biofeedback training is a physiotherapy technique that combines mind and body. It’s used to educate users to better understand their body functions. Specifically, heart rate, breathing, and muscle responses. It may not be noticeable, but when we are in pain or under stress, our bodies change. Heart rate and breathing rate may increase, and muscles may tighten. Biofeedback machines help make small changes in the body, such as relaxing muscles, and relieving tension or pain, through proper breathing. They also help to practice and learn new ways of controlling the body. This can improve health problems or make daily activities easier.

Biofeedback machines are designed for voluntary muscle control, as they monitor their activity through electrodes and provide real-time information/feedback about the body's reactions. Through the device's feedback - which can be sound, image, or movement - the user is able to control muscle tension. In this way, he is trained to control his movements, to feel his body, and to familiarize himself with its functions. It is important to mention that Biofeedback is not a treatment method but a training process.

During the examination/therapy, special electrodes of the biofeedback EMG machine are placed in different parts of the body and record various measurements such as heart rate or blood pressure. The results are presented on the device's display and analyzed by the doctor. The state of the body is described and the doctor guides the patient through relaxation techniques. Through the screen, it is easy to understand how the heart rate, blood pressure, or other factors change in different situations such as stress or relaxation. In this way, the user is able to train his body and how to react to situations related to brain functions or internal organs.

Biofeedback techniques are most often used in a clinical setting and are provided by doctors or physiotherapists. Biofeedback EMG devices are used by healthcare professionals with the goal of muscle retraining, pain relief, or relaxation. In, you can find biofeedback machines designed to offer absolute reliability in results and patient monitoring.