Herdegen Alustyle Max rollator wheeled walker

298.44 € Reference: 414261

Herdegen Alustyl rollator wheeled walker developed to provide comfort and convenience. It features a much larger seat width than a standard rollator making a heavy duty walker.

The Herdegen Alustyl rollator wheeled walker is designed with user-friendly loop brakes and handgrips, with a seat and a backrest for maximum comfort and a basket underneath the seat. Thanks to its strong construction it is resistant up to 180 Kg user weight.

It is suitable for indoor and outdoor use and is foldable for easy storage and transportation.


CharacteristicsRollator Alustyl Max
Seat dimensions 49.5 x 34 cm
Dimensions folded 31 x 71 cm
Wheel dimensions 19 cm
Seat height from the ground 56cm
Roller height from the floor 85-98 cm
Weight 8.8 Kg
Max user's weight 180Kg

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