Soft Cervical Collar Thuasne Ortel C1 7.5cm

23 € Reference: 409560

Ortel C1 Anatomic is an anatomical soft foam cervical collar that allows stabilization of the cervical spine in cases of torticollis, sprain or cervical spondylosis. It has an antalgic support of the cervical spine thanks to a compact support foam (medium density).

The anatomic soft cervical collar Ortel C1 is made od rounded edges and has a removable and washable comfort cover. It has an accurate self-gripping adjustmentand allows stabilization and discharge of the cervical spine and corrects his posture. It relaxes the muscles, and prevents painful movements. The collar warms the cervical spine and the muscles of the neck. Thuasne cervical collar is available on 3 sizes depends on chocker perimeter and has 1 height, 7.5cm. The soft cervical collar has also a colors choice of blue and beige.

Neck circumference:

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