Huntleigh Sonicaid DMX Vascular doppler

1514.99 € Reference: 518363

The DMX Vascular Doppler from Huntleigh works with alkaline batteries and is designed to improve efficiency and effectiveness in clinical diagnosis. The new line of Huntleigh DMX Vascular Doppler offers unrivaled value and quality.

The dual-flow waveform is produced by the digital spectral recording of the Huntleigh Sonicaid DMX Vascular doppler

The algorithms that have been developed optimize the presentation of the waveforms and improve the sound quality while using the unique Dynamic Digital Sound Reduction System (DDNR) as well as the special noise filter thanks to the use of gel (gel). The ability to digitally store and reproduce sound & waveforms is just one of the many features of this state-of-the-art Huntleigh Sonicaid DMX Vascular doppler digital series.


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