Skull models

Skull models for understanding and studying both the human skull and its internal structure. Skull models help in the detailed representation of the complex and intricate structure of the human brain to help both students and doctors better understand its human physiology.

The head models include mouth models, jaw models, teeth models, eye models, ear models, etc., which are used both for demonstration in academic classrooms for better familiarization of students, and also in medical areas. With the rise of technology, it is now possible to create accurate and detailed human skull models that can be used for educational purposes.

Skull models are mainly used in medical schools and decorate examination rooms to better explain to patients the disease or rehabilitation process. They can be made from a variety of materials, including resin, plastic, and ceramic. Resin is the most common material and offers great detail and precision. Plastic skull models are cheaper than resin but do not have the same detail and accuracy.

In our online store, skull models, brain models, mouth models, denture models, ear models, eye models, etc. are available.