Wheeled walkers (Rollators)

Wheeled walkers are designed to provide improved stability and support as they are constructed with a robust frame and wide base that helps users maintain their balance and prevent falls. Rollators offer individuals the freedom to move independently both indoors and outdoors as they feature durable wheels and ergonomic handles. In this way, users can navigate confidently both on busy streets and parks and in other public spaces. 

Rollators stand out from folding walkers not only because of their quality of construction but also because of their comfortable seats. Most models have a built-in seat allowing users to take a break and rest whenever needed. This feature is particularly useful for people who tire easily or for people who take long walks, so frequent breaks are essential. In addition, wheeled walkers are often equipped with storage compartments or baskets, providing users with a convenient way to carry their personal belongings. The compartments eliminate the need for additional bags or backpacks, making it easier to use. Several walkers have features such as folding capability allowing for easy storage and transport in vehicles, brakes on the handles, height adjustable handles, etc. Each rollator is made with unique features so that each user can choose the one that best suits them and their requirements. 

At medi-shop.gr, you can find a wide variety of rollators with three or four wheels, with brakes on the handles for control and safety, baskets and bags as storage space, etc. covering every need. Get high-quality rollator walkers of high-quality construction, with high functionality and durability in daily use.