Defibrillator pads

Defibrillator pads are self-adhesive and specially designed to fit the patient's chest in preparation for defibrillation. Each external defibrillator has two main components: the defibrillator battery and the defibrillator electrodes

Defibrillator pads are always disposable - except for training defibrillators where the pads are multi-purpose, for convenience and economy. Their lifetime varies from 2 to 5 years, depending on the model of the external defibrillator. 

Each defibrillator accepts different pads. There are defibrillators that accept common pads for adults and children and others that require separate pediatric pads. Typically, pediatric electrodes are needed for children <8 years of age or <25 Kg. In any case, before purchasing, make sure the electrodes are compatible with your AED.

Defibrillator electrodes should be in excellent condition and meet the prerequisites, which usually relate to their expiration date. In case the pads have exceeded the time limit, it is necessary to replace them immediately and not to use them further, for safety reasons. 

In our online shop, you can find adult and pediatric defibrillator pads of high quality for the proper use of the defibrillator, and effective defibrillation in emergency cases.