PTS CardioChek PA analyzer

837.82 € Reference: 514719

CardioChek PA analyzer is fast, portable and reliable. This device is a component of a test system that includes PTS Panels test strips. By the time that the unit test strip enter, the CardioChek PA analyzer using the same technology as clinical laboratories, will display on site results in as little as 90 seconds.

CardioChek PA analyzer is compact and lightweight, making it economical to transport and easy to store. It is patient friendly and functions with small (fingerstick) sample size (15 to 40 µL). It will give you accurate and reliable measurements of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose and more. Also provides calculated LDL and TC / HDL ratio.

CardioChek PA analyzer employs light reflectance to measure an endpoint enzymatic chemical reaction. The test strips are impregnated with enzymes which are specific for the analyte to be measured. Refer to the individual PTS Panels test strip package inserts for detailed information related to the enzymatic reaction. When blood is applied to the test strip, the ensuing sequence of chemical reactions results in a color change on the test strip which is measured by light reflectance. The intensity of this colorimetric substance is directly proportional to the amount of analyte in the blood. Using a stored standard calibration curve, the device calculates and displays the result on the screen.

It is a portable, high performance, battery powered device. CardioChek PA analyzer requires two (2) AAA 1.5 volt high quality alkaline batteries. It is certified by the Cholesterol Reference Method Laboratory Network (CRMLN) and National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), is FDA-cleared, CE-marked, internationally registered, and is CLIA-waived by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. It is manufactured by PTS Diagnostics and is available  in one (1) year warranty.

The package includes: CardioChek PA analyzer, PTS Panels test strips and a MEMo Chip.

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