Holter Cardioline walk200b

2200 € Reference: 514726

Cardioline walk200b ABPM (Holter) is a blood pressure Holter recorder lasting 24 hours or more designed to perform ambulatory monitoring tests during 24 hours or more (or Holter tests) to control cardiac functions and/or diagnose the patient's tate of health, except in those situations in which a variation of cardiac function could constitute an immediate risk for the patient. 

Cardioline walk200b ABPM is intended for use in the medical sphere by qualified and suitably trained staff in compliance with the instructions contained in the User Manual.

The device should be handled with care and protected from impact, vibrations, sources of heat, liquids and anything which might damage it. All the information regarding Residual Risks is provided and highlighted in the User Manual in the “Warnings” chapter.

Cardioline walk200b ABPM features LCD screen to display the measurements on the patient for self-testing of the device. Cardioline walk200b ABPM is an attractive, lightweight and ergonomic device. The user is able to program the periodicity of measurements (max 300 measurements) as well as to set the frequency (up 30 measurements/hour).

The Cardioline cubeabpm consists of the recorder, the cuff and the Software (CD) for installation on a computer (Cardioline Cubeabpm ® Software).

The Cardioline cubeabpm software is the complete solution to manage your exam (ABPM or MAP) for private practice. The Cardioline cubeabpm has six main windows, each of which offers the user direct supervision of a particular method of analysis of examination:

-The measurement page displays the test chronogram and related table for the heart rate and the systolic, diastolic and mean pressure values. The graphic appearance of the page can be modified from the control panel, changing the colours and the number of variables displayed on the screen.

-The means page presents the mean values of the programme variables, presented in the form of chronograms and pie charts to indicate both the progression over time and the hour distribution of the values measured.

-The statistics page offers all the statistical tools needed to analyse the test. Specifically, it presents three different sections, with variables histograms, test measurement classification according to the theoretical reference values (e.g. hypertension guidelines from the European hypertension society) and, finally, measurement dispersion graphs.

-The comparison page allows two or more tests belonging to the same patient to be compared, synchronised using various criteria.

-The mycube page is fully customizable by the user, and is therefore composed of graphs or tables selected freely from a list.

-The report page allows the user to write conclusions, configure the final document for printing, or select one of the configurations saved in the system and the proceed to print out the document. The conclusions, like the indications and treatments, are equipped with a preformatted dictionary that can be used to speed up preparation of the final documents. It is also possible to export the document to be printed out in electronic format, or to attach it automatically to an e-mail.

From the first moment that opens a log file, cubeabpm presents a comprehensive and detailed report of the examination. All analyze, printouts and windows can be customized according to user requirements and stored in the program. Also, cubeabpm incorporates its own database that stores and archived exams. Finally, cubeabpm enables advanced information search using different search parameters such as patient data, examination or recording unit.

Cardioline walk200b ABPM size is 128 x 75 x 30 mm with a total weight of 240 g (including batteries). Powered by two alkaline or rechargeable batteries.

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